Nice to meet you

Hi there,
I’m Daniel Korpai

I work as a User Interface & User Experience designer creating thoughtful experiences with the combination of design, business and marketing.


Intersection of design, business and marketing

Thanks to my study background in international business and marketing psychology, I connect UX/UI design with real business goals, while providing delightful client experiences.

Currently, I’m designing the next generation of note taking experience at Craft with an incredible team. Previously, I was a Product Designer at InVision.

Outside of my full-time commitments, I work with a select freelance client base to create amazing products and solutions.

I’m passionate about building & designing thoughtful experiences to make sure your customers and users are satisfied when they’re using your products and services online.

I also love documenting my journey and sharing it with the community to help others succeed and grow.

Background story

Following my passion

Design has always been my passion and hobby since my early childhood. Although I studied international business and marketing psychology the traditional way at universities, I learned to design and code on my own out of curiosity.

This curiosity helped me to stay up-to-date from year to year and I’m still learning every single day to ensure I can deliver the most modern and effective solutions. I believe in working hard and smart instead of searching for “hacks and shortcuts”.

Nowadays, I’ve been fortunate enough to share and give back to the community with leading by example, writing detailed design articles, creating design courses and sharing my design journey to educate and inspire others.

Why design?

Making people happy by making things simple

As technology progresses things are getting more and more complex. As a designer, I have a special opportunity to make these complex processes simple, delightful and joy to use every day.

Design allows us to differentiate ourselves by showing attention and care about our customers and users. Everybody values design either consciously or unconsciously. This is why I love creating thoughtful, meaningful and polished experiences, which makes both the creators and customers happy.

In case you would like to know more about me, my work or have any questions, feel free to send me an email anytime.

Follow my daily design journey

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Follow my desing journey on Instagram and feel free to message me anytime: @danielkorpai